Church under lake Russia Tourism on the Edge01

Image Credit Flickr User Basykes

Seen on Kuriositas, the abbey in the Russian city of Kalyazin, located on the Volga river is both mysterious and intriguing. Makaryevsky monastery stands tall in the middle of an artificial lake and seems like a deserted lighthouse with an architecture reminiscent of past centuries. The story behind this “monument” is strongly connected to the the 1940s, when Russians were looking to improve their infrastructure at any cost.  In trying to make Volga a navigable river all year long, History was no longer important. The Kalyazin region was therefore willingly buried under water, in order to make room for the new transport artery and hydroelectricity.

Church under lake Russia Tourism on the Edge02Image Credit Flickr User Michael Clarke

Church under lake Russia Tourism on the Edge06Image Credit Flickr User qwz

Church under lake Russia Tourism on the Edge05

Church under lake Russia Tourism on the Edge04

Church under lake Russia Tourism on the Edge03Image Credit Flickr User *Christopher*


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