Parkour is a physical discipline originating from France (founded by David Belle) in which the runners chooses a route in the surrounding environment and attempts to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way, using only their body. Parkour can be practiced in any environment, but the most popular are the urban areas where dense and challenging obstacles are preferred to pump up the adrenaline. Most based on the original principle of self-preservation and the abilities to help others, this extreme sport involves discipline, interior strength, years of practice and knowledge about the environment, with all its shapes, dimensions, surfaces and many other things that have to be analyzed in order to get out without injuries from crazy attempts. Many traceurs (derived from the Parisian “to move quickly”) believe that parkour influences their thought process by enhancing self-confidence that allows overcoming mental obstacles.
In order to make a much clear picture, Belle makes a distinction between freerunning and parkour or l’art du déplacement, explaining that “the term freerunning is sometimes incorrectly used interchangeably with l’art du déplacement. While l’art du déplacement aims to enable the practitioner to be able to move quickly and creatively past obstacles, freerunning is a competition sport and includes moves such as aerial rotations and spins.” [Photo credits: Jonathan Lucas]